Tuesday, July 04, 2006


On this Fourth of July, CODEPINK has called for a one day hunger strike to end the war and bring the troops home.

I am in full support of resolving the Iraq war as quickly as possible. With this as a main motivation, I have decided to join CODEPINK's fast. With perseverance, I hope to drawout my fast to three days, if not more.

I hope that if you choose to not fast on this day in honor of the troops, that you at least honor them in another way. Even flying the American flag high can say the biggest thing. Remember the troops, both past and present. Thank them for the freedom they gave us so long ago, and for sustaining it through this day so that I may write this and you may read it.

God Bless All.

1 comment:

Lolita said...

I didnt know about Code Pink, this is a good site